Crossing guards are good, safe infrastructure even better
Crossing guards need to be part of a comprehensive traffic safety program around schools.
Potty politics: can we afford to flush in 2025?
Here’s what each North Shore municipality is doing to prevent us from feeling the flush of our tax dollars going down the drain through a massive utility bill “shock” in 2025.
De-paved a parking lot, put up a mini-paradise
We need many, many more rain gardens and a plan to integrate them with our traditional municipal stormwater management systems.
Fast. Fun. Cheap. The joy of e-biking on the North Shore
I’m amazed at how much an e-bike has improved my day-to-day life.
Making Lonsdale Great
What makes a street great? Great Streets are places where people enjoy spending time. and businesses and people thrive.
Transforming school zones
The way to make school zones safe is to make them car-free or car-light through roadway design
Political shifts: BC election results on the North Shore
Look at our new electoral map and the diversity of colors representing the different parties today.
Townhouses rock! Let’s encourage them
Townhouses provide family-oriented, missing-middle housing options.
Introducing Better North Shore
By founding Better North Shore, we are creating a focal point for people who share our values and desire for positive change.
Say thanks! to anyone riding the bus, walking or biking
If you are driving, they are one-less-car in-front of you.
Solutions for North Van’s legendary traffic
Adding more lanes does not resolve congestion. Here are some real solutions to our traffic problem.
More green roofs set to grow in North Vancouver?
The City of North Vancouver is looking at ways to promote green roofs in new and existing housing,
Why allow any development at all?
Creating homes for people aligns with my values, and my self-interest. I hope it aligns with your values too.
Taking action on climate change: A North Shore perspective
We are responsible for pioneering new and better ways to live, work, and play that are lighter on the land
Is active transportation the secret to transforming health care?
Pretend that Justin Trudeau announced there was a disease prevention pill that costs $1 per person annually.
What if we made Edgemont Village a car-free zone?
Why not make the middle of Edgemont – from Queens Road to Crescentview Drive – a place for people, not cars?
North Shore 'high streets' should focus on people, not cars
Looking at the style and mountain setting, Lynn Valley town centre looks a lot like Whistler Village.
Great communities feature many ways to get around
The way we get around says a lot about our communities and how they are shaped.
Transit needs better bike parking
Why not ride your bike down to Lonsdale Quay, park it and then take the SeaBus downtown?