“The District’s objective is to respond to our changing needs and meet our social, economic and environmental goals by providing greater transportation choice.”
–District of North Vancouver Official Community Plan
Better Transportation
Traffic is a serious problem in North Vancouver. Congestion is inevitable because vehicles dominate our streets. If more people could easily, comfortably, and safely take transit, walk, bike and roll using “micro mobility” devices, we can improve our health, save our healthcare system money, and make our streets safer while reducing traffic.
Ideas for positive change
I’m amazed at how much an e-bike has improved my day-to-day life.
What makes a street great? Great Streets are places where people enjoy spending time. and businesses and people thrive.
The way to make school zones safe is to make them car-free or car-light through roadway design
If you are driving, they are one-less-car in-front of you.
Adding more lanes does not resolve congestion. Here are some real solutions to our traffic problem.
Pretend that Justin Trudeau announced there was a disease prevention pill that costs $1 per person annually.
Why not make the middle of Edgemont – from Queens Road to Crescentview Drive – a place for people, not cars?
Looking at the style and mountain setting, Lynn Valley town centre looks a lot like Whistler Village.
The way we get around says a lot about our communities and how they are shaped.
Why not ride your bike down to Lonsdale Quay, park it and then take the SeaBus downtown?