Cost per flush reckoning

Every flush has two components: the input water and the output. Metro Vancouver charges for the input and the output separately. Each household pays for wastewater management through annual fees and levies in some municipalities. These fees include the municipality's per-household charges to run local sewer pipes and pumps that deliver wastewater to the treatment plant. Metro charges another per-household fee for treatment. For the sake of this discussion, let’s just consider the output fees.

The cost to flush then is the sum of municipal charges plus Metro Vancouver charges per household divided by the number of flushes per household. Here’s all the math:

What percent of sanitary sewer charges come from flushing?

Household wastewater comes from multiple sources, including sinks, baths, laundry, and toilets. Around 30% of household wastewater comes from toilet flushes, so let’s say that 30% of sanitary sewer fees are attributable to flushing. So for the sake of our calculation, we will take only 30% of the total cost for wastewater. (Source for 30% DeOreo, W.B., P.W. Mayer, B. Dziegielwski, J.C. Kiefer, 2016. Residential Uses of Water 2016. Water Research Foundation. Denver, CO)


  • 2.8 people/household X 5 flushes/day/person = 13.5 flushes per day per household

  • 13.5 flushes per day X 365 days/year = 4,927.5 flushes per household/year


  • 2.2 people/household X 5 flushes/day/person = 11 flushes per day per household

  • 11 flushes per day X 365 days/year = 4,015 flushes per household/year


  • 2.5 people/household X 5 flushes/day/person = 12.5 flushes per day per household

  • 12.5 flushes per day X 365 days/year = 4,562 flushes per household/year

City of North Vancouver 

Sewer Fees for 2024

Represents combined Metro and CNV Fees

  • Single-unit homes: $637 30% is for toilets = $191/4,015flushes  = 4 cents per flush 

  • Multi-unit homes: $397 30% is for toilets $119/4,015 flushes = 3 cents per flush 

Sewer for 2025

 based on City of North Vancouver - 2024 11 25 Regular Agenda Package for November 25 2024

  • Single-unit homes: $778 30% is for toilets = $233/4,015flushes  = 6 cents per flush 

  • Multi-unit homes: $485 30% is for toilets $146/4,015 flushes = 4 cents per flush 

District of North Vancouver 

Sewer and Drainage Fees for 2024

based on City of North Vancouver - 2024 11 25 Regular Agenda Package for November 25 2024
Represents a combined Metro and DNV fee

  • $945 single-family sewer 30% is for toilets = $283.50/4,972 flushes = 6 cents per flush

  • $786 multi-family sewer 30% is for toilets = $235.80/4,972 flushes  = 5 cents per flush

Sewer and Drainage Fees for 2025

Represents a combined Metro and DNV fee

  • $1126 single-family sewer 30% is for toilets = $338/4,972 = 7 cents per flush

  • $937 multi-family sewer 30% is for toilets = $281/4,972 = 6 cents per flush

District of West Vancouver

West Vancouver meters its water. Residents pay for water and sewer based on their water use.
The numbers below are based on the median cost for single-family homes and the average cost for
homes in multi-family buildings. The figures for 2025 include the new levy.

Sewer Fees for 2024 (excludes drainage fee)

  • $901 single-family sewer 30% is for toilets =  $270/4,562 flushes = 6 cents per flush

  • $374 multi-family sewer 30% is for toilets =  $112/4,562 flushes = 2.5 cents per flush

Sewer Fees for 2025 (excludes drainage fee)

  • $1,217 single-family sewer 30% is for toilets = $365/4,562 flushes = 8 cents per flush

  • $522 multi-family sewer 30% is for toilets = $137/4,562 flushes  = 3 cents per flush