Making Lonsdale Great
Central Lonsdale is ready for a do-over
The City of North Vancouver has launched a new signature project to transform central Lonsdale into a “Great Street” with a diverse and dynamic mix of attractions, events, and businesses. This initiative holds immense potential to enhance the quality of life in CeLo for both residents and visitors to its many services and businesses.
What makes a street great?
Great Streets are places where people enjoy spending time. They include plenty of space for walking and welcome people using micro-mobility and mobility assistance devices. Restaurants spread into plazas with treed spaces and gardens to beautify the surroundings and assist with stormwater management. Businesses thrive and people love living there. And so much more…
Let's work together to create something amazing
Here are some questions that might help stimulate your ideas.
What role does accessibility play in defining a street as welcoming and enjoyable for everyone?
What role could local businesses play in creating an appealing environment for residents and visitors?
Can we design spaces that foster social well-being and provide peaceful areas to recharge?
Central Lonsdale is North Van’s healthcare-central, how can we optimize access to services and promote healthy living?
How can we renew Lonsdale to promote sustainability while also enhancing liveability?
How might we balance the needs of people walking, biking and taking transit with vehicle traffic to ensure safety and accessibility?
Share your ideas to shape a better future
Complete the survey by Friday, January 31st, 2025
Walk or roll on over to let staff know your favourite things and what could improve.
Friday, January 17th, Civic Plaza 2 – 6 p.m.
Saturday, January 18th, Civic Plaza 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
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