Better North Shore

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Crossing guards are good, safe infrastructure even better

An un-signalled school crossing on a busy street in North Van

Written as feedback to DNV council when Councillor Back introduced a “crossing guard” motion.

As a parent of a secondary school student, I fully support any measures councils can take to create safer routes to school for everyone. Having served on the executive of the North Shore Safety Council for several years, I know that parents across the shore are deeply concerned about lawless and reckless driving near schools. The dangers of walking near traffic, excessive speeds, driver distractions, and disregard for traffic laws are among the top safety concerns.

I consider crossing guards one part of a broader effort to control drivers who pose a threat to our children and community. Paying crossing guards is a fundamental component of a safer community and can be quickly implemented to help prevent tragedies in the near future. However, we still have a long way to go to ensure a reasonable level of protection for children and parents walking or biking to school. A basic and consistent level of driver control should remain in place even after crossing guards have left for the day. Keep in mind that some classes start early, summer school is in session, and many extracurricular events run late.

With the increasing number of vehicles featuring oversized front grilles, new blinding headlights that reduce visibility for oncoming drivers, and countless in-car distractions, there has never been a more critical time to implement a thorough and comprehensive safety protocol around schools. Additionally, persistent issues such as drivers disregarding speed limits, parking illegally around crosswalks and intersections, and general noncompliance with traffic laws highlight the urgent need for aggressive safety improvement plans.


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